6:00 pm Meeting called to order by Doug Galloway
Invocation given by Doug Galloway
Secretary’s Report given by Linda Moretz
Treasure’s Report given by Melodie Yancey (handout)
New Business
-Time change from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm
-Member Roster given out; (make a correction for Tracey Carriker’s address – should be Morganton, not Lenoir).
-Discussion about the completion of GAP Book and also ongoing initiatives for 2018
-Secretary’s and Treasure’s Report to be emailed out prior to the next meeting.
-Linda Moretz needs to know anyone willing to be a free mentor for our new members. (volunteer so far Billy Long)
-Linda Moretz needs to know anyone who wants to be on the Swarm Removal List (consider your schedule and what time most swarms occur – will you be available). This list is on our Website, given to the Extension office, and shared with A1 Pest Control
-Doug Galloway mentioned our Financial Report for the year prepared by Melodie Yancey had been reviewed by himself, Tracey Carriker, VP, and Linda Moretz, Secretary. Our review found the report in order. 1st Motion from Mack Whiteside and 2nd motion by Edwin Miller to accept as is. Members voted yes.
-Tracey Carriker spoke about Honeybee Education initiative, teaching tools available and to contact her with any invites to teach so she can record it and get the available tools to you. Also, for any teaching to documented and added to our GAP Book. She asked for a list of volunteers that would be willing to help. Names below agreed to be added to the list:
VOLUNTEERS EDUCATION: Linda Moretz (when available), Doug Galloway, Mack Whiteside, Amy Burchette, Aziz Bootwala, Edwin Miller, Scott Barlow, Patrick Muldoon, Bud Faw, Danny & Mary Jaynes, Sara Kennedy (new member).
-Mickey Hollar is in charge of refreshments and needs folks to volunteer during the year to pick a month to bring some goodies for our meetings. As Program Chair, he also wants to know if you have any specific topics/programs you would like for him to work on scheduling for our Chapter. Upcoming
meetings scheduled: March Speaker is Robert Smith/Top Feeders; April Speaker Don Hopkins/Africanized Honeybees; May Speaker Greg Clement/Creamed Honey
June – TBD; July – TBD; August – Chapter Picnic; September TBD; October –TBD; November – TBD; December Christmas Dinner/Fellowship
Ongoing Business: -GAP initiative.
-Doug Galloway announced our monthly meetings will change back to 6:30 starting in March
-Prize Drawings (congrats to all the lucky winners!) There was some awesome wax products given out fresh made in class by Danny Jaynes.
-Program Speaker: Danny Jaynes/Working with Wax
-Main point is to always be careful when you are working with wax to not get burned; never leave the room while you are melting the wax – it does have a flash point. Be careful when you are pouring wax into the molds. Be safe and have fun creating! Thank you Danny for sharing your expertise and giving another awesome presentation of working with wax.
-Meeting adjourned by Doug Galloway
Attendance February: 50