Secretary Minutes
Caldwell County Beekeepers Association
January 16, 2020
Secretary Minutes
6:30 President, Sara Kennedy started the meeting. New members and visitors introduced themselves briefly and were welcomed. New officers for 2020 were introduced. Outgoing president Doug Galloway way presented with a plaque commemorating his good work with CCNCBA.
Officer’s Reports
Secretary, Liz Cifu:
Minutes for November meeting were emailed earlier this week, with a few paper copies available at the meeting. November minutes were approved.
Co-Treasurers, Amy & Travis Sholar:
The treasurers report was not emailed in time for the meeting. It will be emailed prior to the February meeting. Report approval was tabled until next meeting.
Program Chair, Ron Cifu:
Our next meeting on February 20th will be part of the Beginning Beekeeper Workshop. The speaker list for 2020 is shaping up.
Vice President, Tracey Carriker:
Sign-up sheets were distributed for Farm Expo, updates to the swarm removal list and volunteer mentors.
President, Sara Kennedy:
We have completed the process and are now officially a tax-exempt 501(c)3 Nonprofit Corporation as recognized by both the IRS and the State of North Carolina. Donations to the club are tax deductible. Special thanks to Doug for completing this process during his term as president.
We will be holding a raffle for a nuc at our March meeting. Tickets are $5 each or five for $20. Ticket are available now—please see Amy or Travis.
The State Conferences are Spring 2020 in New Bern, March 5-7 and Summer 2020 in Flat Rock, July 16-18.
A request was made for the donation of door prizes.
Committee Reports:
Auditing Committee (Doug Galloway, chair) The 2019 books were reviewed by committee chair and the co-treasurers and found to be properly kept.
Auditing Report
Starting Balance $2067.99
Total Deposits. 2621.77
Total Withdrawals 2421.77
Gain 168.89
Final Balance 2236.88
Motion was made to accept the report, seconded. Motion passed.
Beginners Workshop Committee (Tracey Carriker, Chair) Beginning Beekeeper Workshop 2020 will be held February 15 th, 20th and 22nd at the United Presbyterian Church. Registration will be from 8:30-9:00 on the 15th. Early registration is encouraged. Registration can be done by visiting website, contacting Caldwell County Agriculture Extension, email [email protected]. Cost is $75 and includes the textbook, local and state membership. Door prizes will be a Nuc & a hive body. Beekeeping for Dummies 4th Edition will be used again this year.
Old Business:
Outgoing president Doug Galloway passed the key for the church to new president Sara Kennedy.
New Business:
Increase of $5 in club dues for 2020 was discussed. Motion was made for club dues to be $10, seconded. Motion passed.
The state meeting in Flat Rock will conflict with our July 16th meeting date. Motion was made to move our meeting date to July 23rd. Motion seconded and passed.
Due to hot August weather, a motion was made to move the club picnic to September. Motion was seconded and passed.
7:00 — Guest Speaker: Seth Nagy, Caldwell County Extension Agent
Seth brought us a special presentation of one of Dr. David Tarpy’s NCSU BEES Programs. These Beekeeper Education and Engagement System programs are normally available online for a $35 fee. Seth arranged for us to be the first beekeeping club to have the opportunity to view one of these programs, at no charge to our members.
Seth demonstrated a variety of classes available at Currently there are beginner and advanced classes and future courses are in development. Quizzes are attached to each course. If 80% competency is earned a printable certificate is available. These quizzes would be helpful in preparation for Master Beekeeping Certification. The group was taken through the Q&A section of one of the classes. A live remote session was set up with Dr. Tarpy. Dr Tarpy answered questions from the group. Printed instructions and a special offer were handed out to access courses.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00
36 people in attendance, including visitors and children.
Next meeting will be Thursday, February 20, at 6:30 pm, at the United Presbyterian Church.
Respectfully submitted by Liz Cifu, Secratary
Upcoming Events:
Future Chapter Meetings at 6:30 pm:
2020Chapter Meetings/Tentative Schedule of Speakers
Feb 20: Beginners Beekeeping Workshop
March 19: H.S. Greene
April 16: Lynn Williams; Beehive Thermal Industries
May 21:
June 18: Suzy Spencer; Slovenia’s Beekeeping
July 23:
August 20:
September 17: Picnic
October 15:
November 19:
December 17: Holiday Party
Caldwell County Beekeepers Class 2020
Feb 15, 20, 22