August 16, 2018 Secretary Minutes

Annual Picnic at Redwood Park

Blessing of Food by Edwin Miller

President, Doug Galloway not in attendance due to schedule conflict, Tracey Carriker lead the meeting.

Secretary’s Report for July meeting emailed by Linda Moretz (motion made to pass minutes)

Treasure’s Report for July emailed by Melodie Yancey (motion made to pass)

Program Chair, Mickey Hollar – September meeting will be about Nosema, if you would like to have your bees tested, bring approximately 30 bees in a jar in alcohol.

Vice President, Tracey Carriker discussed Fair setup and honey donations

Danny Jaynes: Needs help with robbing 5 hives

Mack Whiteside: Nominations for officers in 2019 (email sent out August 23 with recommendations as follows:

-It’s that time of year to consider our Associations officers for 2019.  The Nomination committee has spoken to each of the current officers to see if they are willing to serve in 2019.  The following officers have agreed to serve another year in their current positions – Doug Galloway as President, Tracey Carriker as Vice President, Mickey Hollar as Program Chair; however, Melodie Yancey (Treasurer) and Linda Moretz (Secretary) have asked to step down for 2019.  As announced at the August Picnic, Mack Whiteside along with other members of the Nominating Committee have suggested Julia Brown as a replacement for Treasurer and Sara Kennedy as Secretary.  Both these individuals have indicated they are willing to serve.  At the September meeting, the floor will be opened for other possible nominations and discussion.  Please plan to attend the September meeting to vote.


-GAP initiative.

-VOLUNTEERS EDUCATION:  Tracey Carriker, Linda  Moretz (when available), Doug Galloway, Mack Whiteside, Amy Burchette, Aziz Bootwala, Edwin Miller, Scott Barlow, Patrick Muldoon, Bud Faw, Danny & Mary Jaynes, Sara Kennedy (new member), Jeffrey Smith wants to accompany someone first time. ANYONE THAT WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED PLEASE LET LINDA MORETZ KNOW.

-Mickey Hollar is in charge of refreshments and needs folks to volunteer during the year to pick a month to bring some goodies for our meetings. 

7:25 pm -Meeting adjourned, fellowship continued

Attendance August: Approx 55

Minutes by Linda Moretz, Secretary

Future Chapter Meetings at 6:30 pm:  

Sept 20: Glenn Hackney / Nosema, tracheal mites, mini bacteria

Oct 18: Burton Beasley / Mead Making

Nov 15: Terry Dyson / Queen Rearing

Dec 20: Christmas Dinner (where TBD)

Caldwell County Beekeepers Class 2019

Feb 16, 21, 23

Future Conference Meeting

The Spring 2019 Joint NCSBA and SCBA Meeting will be held March 1, 2nd, 2019, in Monroe, NC. Details to come.