July 26, 2018 Secretary Minutes

6:30 pm Meeting called to order by Doug Galloway

Invocation given by Doug Galloway

Secretary’s Report for June meeting emailed by Linda Moretz (motion made to pass minutes)

Treasure’s Report for June emailed by Melodie Yancey (motion made to pass)

Vice President, Tracey Carriker talked about forms for GAP initiative

Program Chair, Mickey Hollar – nothing new to report

New Business

-Doug Galloway

-recognized visitors 

-gave an update on the GAP entry, our ranking and award received, and how to improve in the future – we need more participation and people involved.

-Caldwell County Fair: Booth setup  Mon 9/17, collect honey Tues, 9/18; we need volunteers to collect the honey and work at the booth; fair starts 9/18 thru 9/22 (Tues-Sat); do you have any extra honey you can donate to sell at the Fair, if so, bring it to the picnic.

-Reminder the Beekeeper’s Class for 2019 starts Feb 16, 21, 23 with practical scheduled for April 13.

-We will sell raffle tickets for $5 or 3 for $10 Sept-Nov for a hive scale. Money collected will go toward purchasing a 6F Electric Extractor.

-August Picnic – Doug will be out of town, so Tracey Carriker will head up the meeting and signup sheets for the picnic.

Doug introduced Tommy Helms from Cabarrus Beekeepers who talked about Kim Flottam speaking August 11; Tommy had tickets for sale for those interested in attending.

Doug introduced our guest speaker, Bryan Fisher who talked about Fall/Winter Preparation – highlights was testing for Varroa, having a treatment plan, different types of treatments,  check for food supply in the hive, have a plan for feeding if necessary, four things bees need: 1) Bees/Queen 2)Pollen 3)Nectar 4)Heat,  a couple of ways to help heat is push hives together, if you have a weaker hive – stack hives on top of each other using a Snelgrove type screen; note moisture and cold together kills bees, so you need to monitor moisture in the hive. ( I emailed the recipe for sugar cake prior that can help not only feed your bees, but help with moisture, if you need me to resend it to you let me know).

8:20 Prize Drawing – congrats to prize winners: Mack Whiteside, Patrick Muldoon, Tim McGee, Roy Bowman, David Oblak, Tracey Carriker, Stephanie Kelley, Seth Nagy.  Special thanks to the vendors and members that donated these items!


-GAP initiative.

-VOLUNTEERS EDUCATION:  Tracey Carriker, Linda  Moretz (when available), Doug Galloway, Mack Whiteside, Amy Burchette, Aziz Bootwala, Edwin Miller, Scott Barlow, Patrick Muldoon, Bud Faw, Danny & Mary Jaynes, Sara Kennedy (new member), Jeffrey Smith wants to accompany someone first time. ANYONE THAT WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED PLEASE LET LINDA MORETZ KNOW.

-Mickey Hollar is in charge of refreshments and needs folks to volunteer during the year to pick a month to bring some goodies for our meetings. 

8:25 -Meeting adjourned by Doug Galloway

Attendance April:  41

Minutes by Linda Moretz, Secretary

Future Chapter Meetings at 6:30 pm:  

August 16: Picnic

Sept 20: Glenn Hackney / Nosema

Oct 18: Burton Beasley / Mead Making

Nov 15: Terry Dyson / Queen Rearing

Dec 20: Christmas Dinner (where TBD)

Caldwell County Beekeepers Class 2019

Feb 16, 21, 23

Future Conference Meeting

The Spring 2019 Joint NCSBA and SCBA Meeting will be held March 1, 2nd, 2019, in Monroe, NC. Details to come.