6:30 pm Meeting called to order by Doug Galloway
Invocation given by Doug Galloway
Secretary’s Report emailed by Linda Moretz (Feb minutes motion made to pass by Danny Jaynes and Edwin Miller)
Treasure’s Report given by Melodie Yancey (handout)(Feb report – motion made to pass by Kenny Brown and Edwin Miller)
New Business
-Tracey Carriker discussed Education initiative and the invites received from local schools for our association to come talk to the students.
.Tracey contacted Bayer and requested Wild Flower seed packets that can be handed out
.Doug mentioned looking at National Honey Board site for free “stuff” for handouts
-Doug Galloway mentioned if anyone is interested in the Bayer “Bee Project”; to earn a hive scale (like Brushy Mtn) worth $500; has Bluetooth access, timely schedule basis, provide Bayer with data; anyone interested, see Doug for a copy of the program.
We have a VET for prescriptions, Dave Ackerman, Wilkesboro
Introduced guest Speaker: Robert Smith/Top Feeders
6:50 Robert Smith discussed top feeders and benefits of using them. Some of the pluses he mentioned was: less robbing, easy access, better control of ants, no UV damage, less vandalism (kids throwing rocks, etc), less work for the beekeeper. Note that Robert makes his own top feeders.
8:00 Prize Drawing – congrats to Edwin Miller and Kenny Brown
Note: In April we will have a silent auction, so come ready to bid – you may want to come a little early to view product and place a bid.
-GAP initiative.
-VOLUNTEERS EDUCATION: Linda Moretz (when available), Doug Galloway, Mack Whiteside, Amy Burchette, Aziz Bootwala, Edwin Miller, Scott Barlow, Patrick Muldoon, Bud Faw, Danny & Mary Jaynes, Sara Kennedy (new member). ANYONE THAT WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED PLEASE LET LINDA MORETZ KNOW
-Mickey Hollar is in charge of refreshments and needs folks to volunteer during the year to pick a month to bring some goodies for our meetings. As Program Chair, he also wants to know if you have any specific topics/programs you would like for him to work on scheduling for our Chapter. Upcoming
8:15 -Meeting adjourned by Doug Galloway
Attendance March: 40
Minutes by Linda Moretz
Future Chapter Meetings:
April: Don Hopkins / Africanized Honeybees
May: Greg Clemments / Creamed Honey
June: Tommy Helms / Swarms
July: Bryan Fisher / Fall/Winter Prep (we need to vote to up the meeting to July 12, or push to July 26?)
August: Picnic
Sept: Glenn Hackney / Nosema (please confirm this name is correct, I did not see it in the Yellow Book)
Oct: Burton Beasley / Mead Making
Nov: Terry Dyson / Queen Rearing
Dec: Christmas Dinner (where TBD)
Future Conference Meeting
July 19-21 – Summer Conference at Blue Ridge Community College, Flat Rock, NC – you can register in advance now.