April 19, 2018 Secretary Minutes

6:30 pm Meeting called to order by Doug Galloway

Invocation given by Doug Galloway

Secretary’s Report emailed by Linda Moretz (March minutes motion made to pass by Mickey Hollar and Patrick Muldoon)

Treasure’s Report given by Melodie Yancey (handout)(Marc report – motion made to pass by Edwin Miller and Lee Haggist)

New Business

-Doug Galloway

-discussed Danny Jaynes will be bringing equipment for Silent Auction at May 17th meeting.  Please arrive a little early to view the items and place your bid, after our meeting, Danny will gather the bids to identify the highest bidder. 

-brought up the idea of offering the monthly guest speakers a $50 Gift Card to help cover their travel and time.  It is up to each individual speaker to accept or decline the offer.  Motion was made to pass.

-Danny & Mary Jaynes purchased a cornhole board for our group, we took a vote to purchase another one so we will have a pair; vote was “yes” to purchase another one so we have a pair to use at events.  Cornhole Board was purchased and constructed by HS Greene (Hidden Happiness Bee Farm in Deep Gap, NC)

-Because of the State Bee Conference starting on July 19 (the same day as our monthly meeting), a suggestion was made to move our July monthly meeting back to the 26th.  A vote was taken and agreed upon to move the July meeting to the 26th

-Tracey Carriker

discussed Education initiative and the invites received from local schools for our association to come talk to the students.  Remember to bring Tracey notes and photos of each event for the GAP Book.

-Doug Galloway

-introduced guest speaker, Don Hopkins, who talked about Africanized Honeybees/Beekeeping in Bolivia

8:00 Prize Drawing – congrats to Oscar Greene, Millie Madison, Patrick Muldoon, Jim Farthing, Bud Faw, Leon Madison, Joe Miller who won a door prizes!


-GAP initiative.

-VOLUNTEERS EDUCATION:  Linda  Moretz (when available), Doug Galloway, Mack Whiteside, Amy Burchette, Aziz Bootwala, Edwin Miller, Scott Barlow, Patrick Muldoon, Bud Faw, Danny & Mary Jaynes, Sara Kennedy (new member). ANYONE THAT WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED PLEASE LET LINDA MORETZ KNOW.

-Mickey Hollar is in charge of refreshments and needs folks to volunteer during the year to pick a month to bring some goodies for our meetings. 

8:15 -Meeting adjourned by Doug Galloway

Attendance April:  48

Minutes by Linda Moretz, Secretary

Future Chapter Meetings at 6:30 pm:  

May 17: Greg Clemments / Creamed Honey

June 21: Tommy Helms / Swarms

July 26: Bryan Fisher / Fall/Winter Prep

August 16: Picnic

Sept 20: Glenn Hackney / Nosema

Oct 18: Burton Beasley / Mead Making

Nov 15: Terry Dyson / Queen Rearing

Dec 20: Christmas Dinner (where TBD)

Future Conference Meeting

July 19-21 – Summer Conference at Blue Ridge Community College, Flat Rock, NC – you can register in advance now.